Montauk Point Lighthouse Revetment Discussion
UPDATE* - May 4, 2004 - Debate Continues.....
After a year of dialogue with the A.C.E., The Corps has stated that some modifications in the design of the project may be made. Tim Maddux,Coastal Engineer on Surfrider's Environmental Issues Team, refuted with scientific common sense, the Corps statement that the proposed structure would not adversely affect the two adjacent surfspots. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which was due almost a year ago, has still not been released. This is probably due to the Corps budget being slashed by Congress. If and when the D.E.I.S. is released, there will be a public meeting, and comment period.
The Army Corps of Engineers had intended to rebuild the entire stone revetment surrounding the Montauk Point Lighthouse. Our chapter has been asked for input by the Corps. Our main concern is that no harmful effects, especially reflection and refraction waves (backwash) come to any of the adjacent surf spots. We will continue to keep you posted as information becomes available......