Eastern Long Island

Seeking Environmental Leaders to Join our Executive Committee

Written by easternli | Oct 10, 2023 7:09:20 PM

Photo: Some of our current Executive Committee members and other leaders at our July 5th beach cleanup in 2023.

It's that time of year again -- chapter elections! 

Every November, our chapter hosts elections for our volunteer Executive Committee. This committee is made up of five core positions, and once those are filled, additional roles can be created as long as we maintain an odd number of members. 

What does it mean to be an Executive Committee member? These are our chapter leaders. They make a 2-year commitment to serve on our Executive Committee. They meet regularly, make decisions for the chapter, and support our events and fundraisers. They are dedicated to advancing our chapter as our key environmental leaders!

This year, the two core positions that are up for election include:

  • Treasurer
  • Volunteer Coordinator

Additional members become an "At Large" on our committee and then can adopt a specific role, such as:

  • Campaigns Coordinator
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Events Coordinator
  • Ocean Friendly Restaurants Coordinator

...or something else that fits!

We are planning our in-person elections for Monday, November 13 at the Rogers Memorial Library, 6 - 7:30 pm. 

Interested in learning more? Email jenna@easternli.surfrider.org to introduce yourself, let us know why you might be interested and what skills you can offer! We look forward to hearing from you.