The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network.
There are 80 chapters and over 100 youth clubs in the Surfrider network. Most chapters are entirely volunteer-run, with an Executive Committee leading the way. However, a handful of chapters in the country have extra support from staff, and we are fortunate to be one of them with a full-time chapter manager. All other roles are filled by volunteers.
If you are interested in partnering on an event or beach cleanup, please contact our Chapter Manager and allow for up to one week of response time. For volunteer opportunities, please reach out to the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you would like to make a donation to the local chapter by check, please mail to: Surfrider Foundation Eastern Long Island, PO Box 720, Wainscott NY 11975
Jenna Schwerzmann
Christine Capelli
Holly Li
Bobby Alan Hamski
Annabellie "Annie" Dominguez
Patrice "Tree" Foronjy
Elizabeth Sans
Stephanie Unter