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OFG with trees and meadow

Methodist Lane Bioswale

Making stormwater prevention beautiful

The Methodist Lane bioswale was constructed in 2021 as a part of the Surfrider Foundation's Ocean Friendly Gardens program with the help and support of local community partners and volunteers.

The bioswale is contoured with gently sloped sides and planted with vegetation designed to absorb road runoff, filter pollution from stormwater, and provide native habitat while beautifying a public space. This garden project protects clean water in the Hook Pond watershed, which is threatened by harmful algal blooms and nutrient overloads of nitrogen and phosphorous from septic systems, fertilizer, and other runoff. 


habitat for biodiversity


Planting for pollinators

The Methodist Lane Bioswale supports pollinators through native plants that have coevolved with our local bees, butterflies, moths, and more. Pollinator plants often have beautiful flowers and can bring color and life to your yard at home while supporting biodiversity.

preventing runoff pollution


Planting for rain

Wetland plant species are specially adapted to survive wet conditions and flooding that other plants can't tolerate. Their long roots soak up rainwater to prevent stormwater pollution while supporting healthy, living soil. Wetlands plants are a great addition to rain gardens in your yard to prevent water pollution from your roof at home.  

filtering water and storing carbon

Methodist Lane November

Making meadows

Meadow plants have long root systems that anchor them into the soil, much longer than turf grass in traditional grass lawns. These roots absorb and filter water deep into the ground, while storing more long term carbon than non-native grasses. Meadows support wildlife through flowers, nest material for birds, habitat for beneficial insects, and food for herbivores. Meadow plants can add texture and color to your yard while supporting clean water, habitat, and climate.

flooded grassy park
1 Flooding before the construction of the bioswale.
2 Construction of the bioswale.
3 Planting in the bioswale.
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4 The bioswale viewed from above with the first installation of plants.
The flowering meadow is now a haven for local pollinators and wildlife
The extensive root systems of native plants soak up and filter rainwater, preventing flooding
These native flowers and plants support local biodiversity and resilient habitat for wildlife


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