UPDATE* - May 4, 2004 - Dunehampton defeated
The Dunehampton group just recently filed a lawsuit naming everyone who wrote in or spoke out against them at recent hearings. Named in the suit are Surfrider representative Bill Lucey, our spokesman in this issue, Surfrider member Bruce Lieberman, Scott Cullen of The Nature Conservancy, and of course Sothampton Town. This is a perfect example of the kind of issue that the Surfrider Foundation must be outspoken about.
An attempt to subvert coastal restrictions
Prompted by the creation of the environmentally irresponsible Village of Westhampton Dunes, homeowners along Southamptons' ocean shore between Wainscott and Southampton Village are trying to create their own village. Named Dunehampton, they are trying to circumvent new coastal legislation which is clearly good for the coastline, but potentially threatens their expensive beachfront homes over the long term.
An attempt to subvert coastal restrictions - FAILS!
UPDATE* - May 4, 2004
It appears that the proposed village of Dunehampton has been defeated by an alliance of Southampton Residents, The Southampton Town Board, and environmental groups including The Group For The South Fork, The Nature Conservancy, and Surfrider Foundation, among others. We are proud to have done our small part in this huge victory for the coastal environment, and beach access.
Two public hearings were held at the Bridgehampton Beach Club. Bill Lucey represented our chapter at these hearings. He stood up before a capacity crowd registering Surfrider's opposition to the proposed village for environmental reasons including beach armoring and over-development, and public access issues.
Southhampton Town Supervisor Patrick Heaney denied the proposed villages application due to overwhelming public opposition, and insufficient proof of residency requirements.The members of the proposed village are expected to sue Southampton Town to continue their efforts to incorporate. Our chapter intends to help stop these efforts any way we can, and would appreciate your help, especially if you live within Southhampton Township.