Our Surf Movie Night website for 2023 has officially launched!
Every year, we look forward to this tradition as a way to engage our community. Surfers, ocean lovers, and activists all come together to share our stoke for the ocean! Proceeds benefit our work for clean water and healthy beaches.
Join us for our 21st annual Surf Movie Night fundraiser on Friday, September 15, on the lawn at the Southampton Arts Center. (Rain date: September 17).
Doors open at 5 pm with a free surf swap, vendors and live music by Souliztik! It's free to attend this portion of the night. If you're interested in selling your used boards, please email
A series of short surf films begin at dusk. Films will be announced in early September. Film tickets start at $25 for adults and $10 for kids. Visit smn2023.givesmart.com to get your tickets!
We are also looking for sponsors and volunteers for this event. For more information, visit the website, or email surfmovienight@gmail.com