This Wednesday, we will join other environmental groups as we ask the Suffolk County Legislature to support clean water. We want our county legislatures to put a proposition on the ballot this November which would allow residents to vote on a county sales tax increase (by one-eighth of a cent), creating ongoing funding for sewer and septic upgrades, which our local water bodies desperately need. Click here to learn more about the Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act that would make this all possible.
If you would like to join us, sign up to let us know you'll be there! Can't make it? There are still ways you can make a difference:
- Write to the Suffolk County Legislature by July 24 asking that the county allow the electorate the opportunity to vote on IR-1512-23 and IR-1573-2. A link to sample letters can be found here
Contact: The Honorable Kevin J. McCaffrey, Presiding Officer
Email: PresidingOfficer.Legislature@suffolkcountyny.gov .
Mail: The Suffolk County Legislature, W.H. Rogers Legislature Building, 727 Veterans Memorial Highway, Smithtown, New York 11787. - Call your county legislator and urge them to put the Water Quality
Restoration Act on the 2023 general election ballot. Ask them to vote yes on
IR 1512 and IR 1573. For a list of Suffolk County legislators and their phone numbers, see here. If you're not sure who your legislator is or what district you belong to, check here.
An example of what you could say might be, "Hello, my name is ___ and I live in ____, so I am Legislator _____'s constituent. I am calling to leave a message for the legislator. Please vote yes on IR 1512 and IR 1573. I urge you to put the Water Quality Restoration Act on the 2023 general election ballot, and let the voters decide on a clean water future." - Attend a Suffolk County Legislature Meeting on Tuesday, July 25. You can either sign up in the morning to make a public comment, which means waiting your turn, speaking for three minutes, no questions asked. This occurs during the general meeting that begins at 9:30 am. Or, you can participate in the whole public hearing which is a discussion starting sometime after 2:30 pm. Join other Surfrider volunteers by signing up for either part here.
An increase by one-eighth of a cent is about 12-cents total on a $100 purchase. While a small change for the consumer, it would be a HUGE benefit to our environment -- raising approximately two billion dollars toward the installation of advanced wastewater treatment through 2060! We hope you will join us by adding your voice to this important and necessary change for our waters.