Our dedicated Ocean Friendly Garden volunteers continue to meet regular at our two bioswales in East Hampton. They are adamantly working to control invasive mugwort and other weeds by pulling them by hand. This hand-pulling is a continuous effort, but it keeps our soils healthy by avoiding chemical sprays for weed control.
Because this is a massive undertaking, we need all the volunteer help we can get! Luckily, we have some very knowledgeable folks leading the way, but no experience is necessary. Learn from our garden experts on one of our Ocean Friendly Garden workdays!
Our upcoming shifts for the summer are:
Sunday, July 9 at the East Hampton Village Green Bioswale
Sunday, July 16 at the Methodist Lane Bioswale
Sunday, August 6 at the East Hampton Village Green Bioswale
Sunday, August 27 at the Methodist Lane Bioswale
Sunday, September 24 at the Methodist Lane Bioswale
Shifts are available at 9 am or 11 am. Find the time slot that works for you and sign up on our volunteer platform! Our volunteers can also meet other days if needed. Questions? Email jenna@easternli.surfrider.org.