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Local plastic prevention: What's the latest with our chapter efforts?

This Friday, March 14, at 7:00 pm, we're teaming up with Front Row at Canoe Place to present a complimentary screening of the award-winning documentary 'Plastic People' in the Grand Ballroom at Canoe Place Inn. This film investigates our addiction to plastic and the growing threat of microplastics on human health.

In the spirit of reducing plastic pollution in our lives, we thought we'd remind everyone of some ways to get involved locally!

  • Donate: join or renew your Surfrider Foundation membership to support our work.
  • Reducing personal exposure: check out these tips from the Plastic People doc on some plastic-free swaps you can easily make.
  • Volunteer: our chapter is actively working on plastic prevention. Here are some ways you can get involved in our cause:
  • Sign these action alerts:
  • Call your state representatives to urge them to support bills that would reduce litter and plastic packaging:
    1. Find out who your assemblymember is: 
    2. Call the NYS Assembly switchboard (518) 455-4100 and ask to be connected to your assemblymember’s office.
    3. A staff member will pick up or you'll get to the voicemail. Follow this script:     

      “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent living in [Town]. I am calling to urge Assemblymember [LAST NAME] to please support the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, which is bill number “A. 1749.” This bill would reduce plastic packaging, ban toxic chemicals, ensure effective reycycling, and make corporations pay for waste management.  I also want to express support for the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill, which is bill "A. 6453". This bill would reduce litter from beverage containers, increase recycling and redemption rates, and raise millions of dollars for New York State. Thank you for taking my message. 

    4. Repeat for your state senator, who you can look up here: 
    5. Call the NYS Senate switchboard (518) 455-2800 and ask to be connected to your state senator.
    6. Follow the script below, which has some changes specific to the Senate:

      “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent living in [Town]. I am calling to urge Senator [LAST NAME] to please support the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, which is bill number “S. 1464.” This bill would reduce plastic packaging, ban toxic chemicals, ensure effective reycycling, and make corporations pay for waste management.  I also want to express support for the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill, which is bill "S. 5684." This bill would reduce litter from beverage containers, increase recycling and redemption rates, and raise millions of dollars for New York State. Thank you for taking my message."

      Feel free to add your own reasoning or personalization to the message!

We also have lobby days coming up in Albany on May 7 and a virtual lobby day with our federal representatives either May 14 or May 15. If interested in either one of these opportunities, please reach out to our Chapter Manager: