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Surf Movie Night I



Photos by John Kowalenko


The Long Island Chapter was the beneficiary of a Surf Movie Fund Raiser evening planned and organized by cinematographer and noted photographer Michael Halsband. With Michael's recent film "Surf Movie: Reels 1-14" as the cornerstone of the event, 400 surf movie fans enjoyed an evening of films, raffles, and entertainment. The proceeds of the August evening will be used to help fund chapter activities that focus on preserving beach access on Long Island.

Michael obtained the support from Quiksilver and Quiksilver Edition and arranged to show his film as well as a collection of cutting edge films and previews by other film makers, including an East End version of "North of Nowhere", by Mike Nelson, a short preview of Thomas Campbell's "Sprout", and a Quiksilver film of hot surfers on hot waves. A sold-out audience enjoyed an evening of films about surfing and surf culture and all ticket holders went home with a tee shirt and poster, courtesy of Quiksilver and Quiksilver Edition.

The Long Island Chapter has been quite active in preserving and expanding beach access on Long Island. In fact, Chapter representatives have been invited to serve on a Surfing Advisory Committee for the New York State Parks Department. This Committee is playing a key role in opening beaches and preserving beach access at New York State Parks. Chapter members have also worked successfully with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to modify projects in a manner that preserves beaches and important surf spots on Long Island.

As the lights dimmed at the theatre, Chapter Chair Eugene Alper thanked a long list of individuals and local sponsors who helped Michael organize the successful evening, including our two retail chapter members, Luther at Equilibrium Surf Shop & Shawn & Tennile at Island Surf. Other surf shops that contributed to the succesful evening included Stu & Catherine at Air & Speed, Louis & Paulette at Earthly Soul, Lars at Main Beach, Jeff at Espos, & Steve at Sunrise to Sunset. Eugene offered additional thanks to Brian "Bubba" Charron for logistical support, and Glaceau Vitamin Water, NYSURF.COM, LTV, Patty & Michael at Montauk Printing, David and the crew at the The East Hampton Star, Naturally Good, & Rubber Surf. Eugene also thanked Mike Nelson & Unsound Surf, Lilly at the Ditch Witch, Tom Adler, Chris Harmon, and several other contributors & suporters. He then urged all attendees who are not members of Surfrider Foundation to join and he summarized the aggressive position Surfrider Foundation and the Long Island Chapter take to preserve our beaches.

400 movie fans and several new Chapter members went home stoked that night!